al�ways: {�l�wāz} adv.

Every minute of every day.

Forever; unchanging. At all

times; invariably.


be�cause: {bĭ-k�z�} conj.

Just because; for a reason; the

reason being. �Because I love

you,� or �Because you�re worth it.�


cre�ate : {krē�āt�} tr. v.

To produce through artistic or

Imaginative effort. Create and

Inspire. To make your own.


de�light : {dĕ�līt�} n.

A high degree of enjoyment.

Expressions of joy; extreme

satisfaction. �You are a delight.�


eve-ry-thing : {ẽ�rē�thĩng�}

pron. All things that are mean-

ingful to you. All that you

know; the whole world.


fa�vor�ite : {fa�vэr�ĭt�} n.

Something regarded with

special favor or liking. Best

loved; preferred above all others.


grat�i�tude : {gră�ĩ�tōōd�} n.

Causeof happiness or joy.

expressing appreciation for

Something or someone


hap�py : {h�p��} adj.

Cheerful; tickled pink; content.

Simple pleasure; together. A

Feeling of giddiness or joy.


in�spire : {ĭn�spīr�} v.

To cause or create new ideas.

Fresh thought; to influence. To

motivate one to action.








jour�ney : {j�r�nē�} n.

An experience or process that

leaves you changed; trail of

experience. From here to there.


kind�ness : {kīnd�nĭs} n.

Goodness for the sake of being

good. Warm-hearted and con-

siderate. Acts of kindness.


lu�cky: {lŭk�ē} adj.

Fortune smiles upon you.

Favored with optimal circum-

stances. Lucky you; just lucky.


mem�or�ies : {mĕ�э�rēz} n.

Recollection of the past; retain-

ing and recalling experiences.

Thoughts of good times past.


near�ly : {nîr�lē} adv.

In a close manner; intimately.

Almost but not quite; nearly

everything. So very close.


or�i�gin�al : {э�rĭj�э�nэl} adj.

Fresh and inventive. One of a

kind; unique; first in its class.

Work of heart. �Be original.�


per�fect : {p�r�fîkt} adj.

Lacking nothing essential to the

whole; giving your best. Flaw-

less; admirable. Just right.


qual�i�ty : {kwŏl�ĭ�tē} n.

Well-made or durable. Top of

the line; excellent; high class.

To provide the best.


re�mem�ber : {rĭ-mĕm�bэr} v.

To keep in mind as worth of

consideration or recognition.

Memories of days gone by.



sim�ple : {sĭm�plэ} adj.

Joy in little things; without

pretense or show. In a plain or

unadorned way; in a snap.


to�geth�er : {tэ-gĕth�эr} adv.

You and me; lonely no more.

With another; inseparable. In

harmony; in sync.


u�nique : {yōō-nēk�} adj.

Being the only one of its kind.

Unusual; extraordinary. Unlike

any other; having no equal.


ver�y : {vĕr�ē} adv.

To a high degree; extremely;

Truly. To emphasize a good

Quality. �You are very special.�


x�o�x�o : {ĕks-ō-ĕks-ō} n.

Hugs and kisses; love and

affection. Closing or salutation

of a love note; with love.


wish : {wĭsh} n.

Heart�s desire; to dream of;

reach for; aspire to. To want.

�Wish upon a star.�


you : {yōō} pron.

The one and only; the one I

value as my friend and love each

day. The person in my thoughts.


zeal: {zēl} n.

Enthusiastic devotion to a

cause, ideal, or goal. Passion;

energy; zest for life.